Client Legal Duties
What are the legal duties of a client?
- Employ competent designers and contractors to carry out the work
- Appointment in writing, a competent and adequately resourced project supervisor for the design process (PSDP), before design work starts.
- Appointment in writing, of a competent and adequately resourced project supervisor for the construction process (PSCS), before construction work starts.
- Co-operate with the project supervisor’s and supply all necessary information
- Keep and make available the safety file (provided by the PSDP) for the completed works. This file will contain all relevant information will be required for future maintenance or renovation.
- Provide a copy of the safety and health plan prepared by the PSDP to every person tendering for the project. In the case of projects on a domestic dwelling it is sufficient for the Client to provide the plan to the PSCS when they have been appointed.
- Notify the Authority where construction is likely to take more than 500 persons days or 30 working days.

Guide for Home owners
The introduction of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013 places responsibilities on home owners, called Clients in the Regulations, who are having construction work carried out on their home.The aim of this guide is to provide practical information for home owners as to what they need to know and do.
086 273 3262
43 Fairyfield
County Clare